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Lawn Care Maintenance Tips

When to mow

Mowing height should be maintained at 2.5 inches in spring and fall. June through August, cutting height should be 3 inches. Each time the grass grows 1/3 taller than the specified height or about 1 inch you should mow again. Clippings should be left on the lawn after each cutting unless excessive.

When to water

No one single factor has more impact on the results of lawn fertilizing than water. Fertilizer simply won’t work without the growth caused from water. Watering should be weekly April, May and October. Watering should be bi-weekly or every 4 days June-September. This will vary with weather patterns. Rainfall should always be taken into consideration. Sprinklers should be left in one area until 1 inch of water is dispersed for weekly watering, or 1/2 inch for bi-weekly watering. Watering is most cost effective when it is applied regularly and for properly timed intervals. You will realize the best results from your lawn service with regular watering.

Thatch management

Thatch is a layer of living and dead stems and roots between the base of the grass plant to the soil surface. On newly harvested sod it is the dark brown layer binding the sod together. Thatch development will vary between turf types. A layer of ½ inch or less is considered a healthy level. Greater than ½ inch will require management of the thatch. This is best accomplished through core aeration, done in late spring or early fall.

Caring for your lawn can also care for the environment

Managing the environment is everyone’s responsibility. Professional care of your landscape is one way you can benefit the environment. You can reduce the phosphorus run off from your lawn by up to 40% by simply cleaning up the leaves and grass clippings from the street. All organic matter — soil, grass clippings and leaves — can provide nutrients back into the environment. This occurs on manually fertilized and unfertilized turf and plant material. Whether you use a synthetic, organic, or man-made fertilizer or naturally occurring fertilizer, your turf, trees and the environment will benefit when properly used.

Fertilizing and keeping your grass thick and healthy helps the environment in many ways

Green landscape plants, and turf grass are living and breathing organisms, giving off oxygen and consuming CO2 (carbon dioxide). Turf grass also has a cooling effect on the environment and enhances ground water by increasing water filtration, cleansing it as it passes through the soil.

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